Develop the evidence. Layout the options for destinational projects.
1) Project Definition / Discovery
2) Options Analysis
Shape the vision & set project direction to maximise impact & returns.
1) Vision & Ideation
2) Project Viability & Commercial Modelling
De-risk the project and optimise delivery pathway. This maximises market interest and transaction success.
1) Confirm Commercial Objectives & Risk Profile
2) Develop a Transaction Strategy
3) Prepare Due Diligence / Marketing Collateral
Divest or acquire. Secure aligned delivery partners. Negotiate terms that hit the objectives and deliver a transformative impact.
1) Expression of Interest
2) Request for Proposal
3) Heads of Agreement
4) Contract Close
Shift into delivery mode. Support to secure unique operators or tenants. Ensure project vision remains on track through to the finish line.
1) Contract Documentation Support
2) Retail Strategies
3) Leasing Strategies & Support